Suck it up buttercup - Canada missed the podium by placing fourth in almost all the luge events... it happens..
Suck it up buttercup - Canada missed the podium by placing fourth in almost all the luge events... it happens..
Shawn White just stomped a 95 in qualifying... how bad could it be?
You should easily be able to - I am fairly certain the CBC doesn't broadcast directionally since they need to reach a huge audience. I grabbed a $30 HD antenna and taped it to my window and I can get 15 stations. Granted I'm in Toronto, but I can sometimes grab WUTV Fox from accross the lake from my position.
Spending two hours a week with 40, 2nd year (about 20 yrs old) university girls.... in a Gender class???
The window question is a mathematics question. More specifically a Fermi estimate question, designed to see if you can make quick calculations based on orders of magnitude... you aren't supposed to get it right, but you are supposed to show critical thinking about the elements that make up the answer...
No info on the ikea website about horizontal layouts, but it says 29lbs per shelf vertically.
My Buddy tried to place this exact bet this afternoon but Bet 365 wouldn't take his Canadian credit card.
Gave me goosebumps....
A diesel caddy with snowflakes, no serious rot and good strut towers? Total NP.
She ended up losing the radio contest, sponsored by 98.3 The Key, to a man dressed in a Seahawks-themed Batman costume.
Concussions and a few broken bones.... I'd say that is the absolute best outcome given the crash...
When testing every hatchback at the auto show... The Fit's folding seats won over everything. Hands down the best folding seats I've seen on anything new...
Being Canadian, my down payment was bigger, but I had the exact same experience.
Whoa there... lets not get smart about this or anything... :)
He makes a good living being this into detailing...
That, is a really freaking good idea.
I waxed my car with two coats of synthetic turtle wax before the crappy weather started... I also run it through touchless car washes whenever the road is dry and I'm not going to let the water freeze - i.e the sun is shining and the air temp is above freezing.