
I call bullshit.

Wait. So the kid was like “I have a STEM degree, where is my job?” and Trump was like, “What if you assembled iPhones? Wouldn’t that be cool?”

Is it filmed at a WAY higher resolution than the BBC’s Top Gear, or am I just used to watching grainy pirated videos?

All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.

I’m not sure it was needless here.

Now playing

One beautifully subtle recent example of shade:

She is so bloody smart, in every kind of intelligence I can think of. I am going to miss her (and the whole Obama fam) desperately.

Guys. Guys? Guys.

Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...

If they had thrown a soda can instead of beer, would it have counted as a pop fly?

Everyone in that photo looks sketchy as fuck.

Police: Any idea who shot you?

These fans are LaBatt-shit crazy

NFL Logic

I hear your movie is doing well in theatres? :P

I know someone who is very happy by this.

He got all huffy.