
Bullitt, The Seven Ups, Gumball Rally, Vanishing Point (the original).

The chassis and inner and outer body panels are all unique. You used to be able to sometimes find a car being parted out but these days even the worst cases are candidates for restoration. Drivetrain, suspension and brakes are all TR2 bits. Many other parts were sourced from the major British parts manufacturers and

Well done Mr. Emslie! A story i know quite well as a 30+ year Doretti owner. This is one of the few times I have seen the full story told accurately. one addition, Cal Specialties became cal Sales and became the distributors for Triumph cars for the western US. Dorothy Deen was very good at PR and created some

I liked the film despite it’s many problems. To make an entertaining movie based on fact you often have to bend, ignore, simplify or exaggerate the truth. It’s called “artistic license”. Hunt and Lauda were actually good friends in ‘76 and even before. They even shared an apartment in the UK when they were both racing

Lauda was one of the first drivers to really market himself to sponsors separate from the team. He reportedly used to get $100K a year just to wear the Parmalat cap. I guarantee he still gets paid to wear the Novomatic cap he wears today.

I showed your story to my 196K mile E30 M3. It laughed and said, “Oh ya? Watch this......”

The Basecamp is “the exotic car of the travel trailer set.”? Ya, uhh no......

I trained as a technical illustrator back in the ‘70s in the days of t-squares and Rapidograph pens so I have a huge appreciation for this type of work. I even did a color cutaway of a Ferrari 312T F1 car for an airbrush class. Very hard work and compared to these it looked like it was done by a 5 year old with

Great stuff. Longest race I ever did was a 6 hour at Riverside and I was able to drive from point to point mostly. As much as I’d love to shoot Le Mans I just know I’m way past it physically. I’d have to be super strategic and plan locations and shots and just know I couldn’t do it all. I learned a long time ago,

The thing has sat for 15 years? You’re not talking about preventative maintenance, you’re talking about re-commisioning. I’ve done it a few times and how far you go depends on how and where the car was stored.

Similar but also very different. A Cobra would be all basso profundo. A Matra would be like having your head inside a giant violin as someone plays a very long high C.

F1 at Long Beach was awesome. They were notoriously disorganized on Fridays especially the first few years. I once spent a couple of hours sitting in the Ligier pits with no credential of any kind. Just a couple of cameras and acting like I belonged there. A friend who was with me had a Ligier team jacket and spoke

Saw them, heard them, felt them at Long Beach. The sound of that engine reverberating off the buildings was like something from another planet. Very different than the Ferrari and Alfa flat 12s. There was a point, standing in one particular place. where it felt like my bones were resonating with that engine sound.

It’s a good little show. It used to cover several blocks of Culver Blvd but they moved it to the park last year. Interesting stuff always shows up and there are great restaurants nearby for a bite and a brew. I’ll look for you.

Photo is from Pebble Beach. Dent occurred on the Pebble Beach Tour when another Tour participant was a bit inattentive with the brakes. And, the dent did not result in a deduction in judging points because it occurred on the Tour.

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I chose the above video for the sound. Here is what the little beastie looks like.

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I’ll see your 1.2 V8 and raise you a 1.5 V16...... with a centrifugal supercharger...... built in the 1950s.

Just an FYI, the road shown painted on the car is Mullholland Drive between Laurel Canyon and Coldwater Canyon. Hell, I can even recognize the turns like Karls and the Sweeper. That section was where the old time canyon racers hung out and ran. The likes of CRE and Mulholland Charlie. I (mis)spent a big part of my

Plus 1 ok? It’s the wife but she knows more about cars than probably 90% of the other Jalops. Knows how to heel and toe, tune SUs, and can correctly ID obscure French cars.