
This guy seems like a douche. At least from what his character appears like in this article. I’ll check the comic out in a few issues to see if he develops a likeable personality. If he does, sure I’ll read it.

Maybe it is because I live in a country that, altough it has problems like every other, ain’t AS fucked up as america. Ergo, my mind isn’t wired to look for every little political nuance in a work of sodden fiction. And, honestly? I prefer it like that. Having to re-examine everything I iek to look for signs of isms

Who gives a shit about modern america? The whole country is fucked by corruption, racism, sexism, hell, ALL THE ISMS. Abandon ship, go to some country that ain’t fucked by 400 years of horrible backstory.

Another Kotaku sotry about the evils of pre-ordering. Pass.

Man that is bullshit. When I experience entertainment I do it to have fun, not to remind myself of all the horrible things that already happen IRL. That’s why I try to not think politics when I do stuff.

Might have something to do with not being american, and thus not having 400 years of horrible shit as backstory.

It’s almost like these people who want to role play as good, rule abiding, people protecting police men were thinking about the ideal police man instead of the hatemonging bullies with a badge that exist In Real Life.

Oh dear. So, I’m guilty of, when they ask for help with stuff, giving out gifts of gold and random toys to rookies. Does that make me a sexual predator?

Oh Man, Olivia hittin all the right buttons for me.

....sometimes I just groan at kotaku. The interviewed guy goes “I really admire the concept of a policeman” and the immedaite answer is “BLACK PEOPLE SHOT BY POLICE” [exageration added by me, obv.]. Like, really? does Evereything have to be political?

Hm. I wonder, would Vader have reacted any differently if he had been respectfully asked to dance?

Now I’m wondering if a White Tiget movie would be considered racist if only because of the contrast with blck panther, despite the fact tht the current white tiger is a latina girl.

I remember I watched the mini about playing World of Warcraft and everyone was trying their best, even those who didn’t like it. Except Arin, going balls deep with the hate, random button mashing and mocking the guy who had the idea for the episodes.

So yeh, it amy just be I don’t like Arin.

Well, I dunno. I have this issue with the that they never seem to really CARE about the games they are playing.
That and they are kinda douchy, not the kinda people I’d hang out with I guess. Just my opinion.

Where’s tommy?
Y’know what, I don’t care if Tommy doesn’t sho up, jut give Jason David Frank a Cameo.

You think the game grumps are FUNNY? man, all kinds of tastes out there.

“Should the Big One hit, it won’t be pretty. Models predict a quake across the southern half of California with a magnitude around 7.8. Such a quake would cause an estimated 1,800 deaths, 50,000 injuries, and over $200 billion in damage.”

Uhhh. Sargeras is the Fallen Titan, not an Old God run amok. Hell, the reason he went crazy was to stop the Void Lords from corrupting baby titans into bad bad stuff.

What? no! in Fallout the nuclear war starts in 2077!

No. I won’t. You can’t make me.

What? Venom back to being a villian? Maaaan fuck that shit, his run as a space knight of goodness was awesome :[