This opinion piece would be quite apt, if not for the fact that it ignores the whole lifecycle of WoD, in which WE DIDN’T GET JACK SHIT FOR CONTENT.
This opinion piece would be quite apt, if not for the fact that it ignores the whole lifecycle of WoD, in which WE DIDN’T GET JACK SHIT FOR CONTENT.
Single for 25 years here mate, let me tell you NOT FUN.
*sigh* So ronery.
MoP 4 Lyfe
I still like to play as in the first image, after 10 years of WoW :D
Ahahaha look at this nerd has tv shows on video tapes.
Obviamente culpa de la Bachelet con sus maquinas de terremotos y avalanchas.
Yes, but on the other hand many of htese mod authors are prima donnas. Remember the guy from skyrim that made a mod to make towns be in the gameworld instead of being separated by load zones? he also added the oblivion gates, something nobody liked, and he made a huge stink when people asked him to remove them, got a…
Okay, so, as a person with relatively straigth hair, I gotta ask: How does she fit all that hair inside that helmet?
Her last name is Ho?
Well! I’m not american, let alone an Arizonan[sp?], but if I was, she’d have my vote!
I was gonna say my uncle but he’s an Architect, not an engineer.
Look mate, I’m chilean. That means I go through what you LA people would call “The Big one” [AKA Quakes 7.0 on the richter and higher] about once a year. Hell, late last year I went through an 8.3 earthquake. If you want to be insured against that kind of shit, get a Chilean Civil Engineer to design your house, they…
3, going on 4
And cynic gamers
I still believe that if Batman had supported Supes at first and slowly turned his mind around instead of going “NO I’M BATMAN I’M THE MORAL CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE” he could have stopped it all from happening :/
Xavier wanted to bone Jean for years before ultimate marvel even came out.
This made me laugh more than it should have
As a goon myself (from the forums, not this game) I can tell you goons never die.