Calling mexicans rapists and criminals is a pretty big example
Calling mexicans rapists and criminals is a pretty big example
Nah the truck’s more embarrassing.
I stopped the video at “roll coal.” I’m done.
Kid LaKid
Ann Coulter bombed and Phyllis Schlafly died. What a weekend!
This dude sounds insufferable. I hope he steps on Legos every morning.
I think someone died inside that, tho... :-(
I still can’t believe that the US hasn’t made guard rails mandatory on trailers.
IMHO best looking car in the segment and probably the best looking honda ever made....
I just pray that the Type R comes in that awesome bright yellow color. if so, I’m in for one!
Of course the dog was the smartest person at Walmart.
hahaaa Burnnn !
Well, it is the same platform as the Firebird...
Knowing Chrysler build quality of the era, it is possible they put it into full production, but they all fell apart and rusted into dust before they ever reached the showrooms.
I sometimes wonder the way some people drive if they give those out for mental disabilities as well as physical.
Actually, Hillary should get the fuck out, because she is facing federal charges, is widely considered to be corrupt, takes money from a wide range of questionable people, and really isn’t even a very good politician by any objective measure.
It sounds like you really need a place to store your sandwiches.