
How is that womanly? It's just a smooth complexion but he has the same eyes that Link's always seemed to have. I dig it.

So I guess the Japanese didn't care for Ike in Radiant Dawn? Man screw the haters. Ike looks awesome!

Am I the only one who sees comments everywhere on the internet that say "bring me this on Wii U and I will buy it" but keep bitterly shaking your head at the comments saying, "No you won't."?

Exactly why the gloves were off when Goku pulled out the Christopher Reeves card. Supes had it coming.

That's a bit risky though. When you get a non-fan, you run the risk of the reviewer either comparing it to something else which reduces its score, or a bias review when the game may actually be REALLY good, but their disinterest or whatever hinders that. Being a fan or aware of the franchise and how it normally plays,

Or, here's a thought and maybe I'm miffed by this as a victim of bullying myself, how about, oh, fucking punch this asshole's lights out?

Just a question for ya. Are you interested in any of the main Nintendo titles? If you are alongside getting the 3rd party games, that's fine. But if you're looking at a Nintendo console just for the 3rd party and that's what sways you, you're looking at the wrong console IMO.

Okay. I laughed. Hard. xD Not at the picture itself (though humorous), but just... "...screw it, why not."

Literally LMAO.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Shreks?

Makes sense to me. World 8 looks really satanic so glitching down to the pits of Hell to get to Peach seems plausible.

My tournament name is Kuraudo. I'm from Alberta, Canada and I became a mid-card player in my prime of Brawl tbh. I'm not so active anymore but as a Sonic player, I travelled all over the world and competed in internationals in places like Japan and the US. I'm no top placer but I was one of the top Sonic players

That's an unfair assumption to mistake. I'm just going to run off the assumption that you're not actually trolling me on this one, and go ahead and remind you or enlighten you about Melee's uprising and success as of late. It's over a decade old and still being played to this day. It's a part of MLG and EVO, two of

Your point holds true too. But think of it like this. Online tournaments are very popular in Brawl. And even without a ranking system, we had our ways around the system to make a ruleset and have a bracket and rankings and everything. We even have a proper ranking system for who you beat and record your wins-losses in

To be honest I find proper edge-guarding to be the hardest! Mostly because all the other techniques and forms come with practice but edge guarding has so many different branches and options.

This is awesome! As a competitive tournament Smash player, I feel if you wanna be number one? Do it in international tourneys and become one of the greats. Online? Keep playing and see how much better you are than others!

Don't sweat it, dude. Honestly, people get too defensive if someone says anything negative about the Wii U. I can tell that you're just in a situation where money doesn't grow on trees. I own a Wii U and am happy about it. And it sounds like you'd be happy with one too if you could afford it. Sorry about your luck,

Many thanks! I don't use Samus or ZSS and probably never will, but glad to see somebody go out there and point out the facts. It's one thing if somebody thinks that the heels look silly on Samus, but to throw a hissy fit over them? Not cool.


... Man I can't believe I just read through all of this.

Quick! Play the Sun Song!! Dhahshhsjajss

Thanks. I just choked on my cookie at work. LMFAO