
Oh, and not to mention, if you buy a 3DS of any sort and get a game like Yoshi's Island along with it? You get Pokémon X or Y for free. Pretty dang sweet if you ask me.

Uh, what? The Yoshi 3DS XL is the same price as a regular 3DS XL. You sure you guys aren't thinking about the regular 3DS? Y'know, the one that's actually $169? Because $199 for the XL is pretty good. Unless you're finding it on sale. That'd be good too.

I miss Japan already. I should come back next year during the next Cherryblossom season.

I just about died laughing when I saw this.

Man this makes me happy. Not that criticism isn't welcome for these games, but it's hard to find a conversation that doesn't delve into an elitist/scoffing match when XIII is brought up.

All on the path of doing the smart thing and quitting the internet. But who can do that? :P

I really shouldn't have even said anything, I imagine. The comment about closing the video was done in a certain taste that I just know it was to be a dick. An opinion is fine to have, but I'm suddenly the bad guy for saying the guy was being rude?

Well that's a little rude. Learn to respect an opinion would you? How would you like it if you made something and expressed yourself only for people to go, /shuts off video

Troll bait. 'Nuff said.

You know what I'd totally be down for? Complete with sound effects and all? Splashy Karp. Don't have to try too hard. Just replace the bird with a Magikarp.

I knew you'd say that.

I wouldn't say we're blindly defending Nintendo. But you see the shit that we have to put up with by Sony, Microsoft and PC gamers alike that shit talk us non-stop when the good bunch of us that DON'T slam the others aren't causing a ruckus? It's getting REALLY old REALLY fast. Can't like Nintendo without a whole

I'd take the challenge, lose it and just enjoy having some leftover curry to eat later! SO GOOD!

I got the best pair of button-up shirts this year. I'm happy! I typically don't ask for specific things for Christmas. Though I did get an iPod Classic since I did happen to ask for one of those last year. If I didn't get one of those? I got a roof over my head and a loving family.

Unfortunately, those that don't enjoy it are that same annoying as hell vocal (VERY VOCAL) minority that like to take the fun out of it for everyone else. It's a piss off, but I'm gonna swear myself off from the internet when this happens. Or this game gets released I mean. Too much headache from the assholes.

Sharks with legs? We're doomed.

Wow. You are just...impossible to please, aren't you? Everyone else has beaten this matter into the ground already, but these games all had Luigi in a totally relevant spotlight. In fact most of the games, while having Mario in them, had Luigi as the main character.

I work at Staples. It's gonna be silly. ALSO. I'm glad I'm looking at online sales.

Would you piss off with the bad press already?