
Two words: fan fiction.

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"And now the starting lineup for the visiting Oklahoma City Thunder..."

Really cannot believe that this moronic and otherwise immature meme is affecting the minds of young children in our society. It's not something that should be encou-AND THE PUNT IS BLOCKED!

"I could be upset about it," Meek said, "but I'm planning on inheriting the earth later, so who gives a fuck?"

What an absolute class act. He couldn't have handled the situation any better. You really gotta hand it to Evan Meek for grooving that pitch in to Jeter.

I don't normally believe in conspiracy theories, but they fucking let him do that. Lollipop pitch and the catcher didn't even try to make a play.

The best solution to any problem is to make judgments based on small sample sizes.

Fuck all that business! Their defense should've held us to AT LEAST a field goal, then they get the ball back. The Hawks marched up and down their stupid asses. Go Hawks, fuck you, chest pains.

To be fair, if anyone knows about players who did worse than Rice did, it's a Ravens fan.

I'd just like to say as a woman, and a faithful Deadspin reader and sports fan, that the vast majority of commenters here throughout this debacle have been insightful and dare I say, enlightened.

I mean if you just read that sentence by itself yeah it sounds bad but in the context of his email its not as bad. I dont know.. it is bad.. but I just feel like he didnt mean it like that..just my opinion.

I totally agree. We're making a climate where it's not okay to talk about race, ever. Granted, Levenson is especially cynical about race as it relates to his business, but business people talk in numbers. If anything, from what I get from his email, he doesn't have any hate in his heart toward people of colour. Which

As a black person, I dont speak for all black people, we are not monolithic, But reading this email, I dont think its racist, its just a business man trying to figure out why his shit is fucked up. Hes speaking frankly, and probably factually on alot of his points, Hes basically saying mix this shit up, black and

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Get off the sidewalks? GET OFF LAKE SHORE DRIVE!!!

He went to today's game at Dodger Stadium with just enough clothing to keep him clear of the law, cracked open two Dos Equis tall boys, munched on a hot dog, and soaked up some rays.


How would you feel if you looked silly for not finishing the original post and missing the punch line?

Personally, I hope they keep the name. It adds character and tradition, as well as shedding light on a great ethnic heritage of the world. And I say this not only as an individual, but also as a fellow high school sports fan, proud Southern Californian, and athletic director of the Encino Airstrikes.