
It is only Orc love... and we like it

Really is "Battle for Middle-eart" older than Battle of the Nations. First year of BfM was in 1992 ;) but previously it was not so epic :D
(and we are central europe :P)

in fact witch-king of Angmar have no balls because he is girl in costume...:D

Yeaaah! I am in the photos :D
This was very well-done action.

Now playing

Battle for Middle-earth is one of the light Czech battles.
So, try these videos. This fight is not soft but very real and you can do almost anything (eg. hitting hard in the head, it is a fun and popular :D).

Mokrý Lom 2012

So.. try this picture :D

Now playing

Try this one ;)
Czech LARP battle "Mokrý Lom" from Tolkiens Middle-earth, sooooo epic and "real" :)