
Incredible bike. And possibly the most effective natural selection device ever produced. Many, many bros will meet their demise on this crotch rocket.

Successful troll is successful.

Oh, how cute. A typing cunt.

Ginger, the more posts of yours that I read, the more I love you.

This is great. Guy makes incredibly stupid post, tries to somehow bring logic into it, can't refute actual logical counter arguments, now suddenly has better things to do.

You're the one that is mad at an atheist for not believing in your sky fairy god.

Being an atheist doesn't mean you don't believe in anything. It just means you don't believe in God.

Hmmm, well, as long as you're playing that stupid game:

Why aren't Christians pro abortion? If the "unborn baby" hasn't committed the original sin of birth and is merely an innocent lamb murdered by a hell-bound OB-GYN, then doesn't his or her precious unborn soul floats right up to the Gates in the sky to be with

Girl, I'm with you... All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster

You just told all atheists to kill themselves you psycho. Just because someone doesn't believe in god or whatever god you believe in, does this make them a bad person, unworthy of a good life? Do we lack morals and are we incapable of loving things like a religious person loves their god? I choose to live my life

Please...its a funny quote from Billy Madison, while I do believe it applies to you hence why I pasted it, if you want to get all uppity with your responses, we can do that. Lets begin.

"Why don't all atheists commit massive suicide in cases like this, since there is absolutely no meaning in this life?"
Really? Did you

What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have

Yes, because clearly this is a situation that's been so blessed by a benevolent god. He did such a magnificent thing with that tornado. Let us invoke his majesty at the funeral of the children killed at that school.

Probably for the same reason all "believers" don't go do extremely dangerous things that put their life in great danger so they can die and get to the afterlife more quickly. Both groups of people actually enjoy living or at the very least are afraid of death. Your comment is so flippant and moronic I am actually