I notice that this article doesn’t address the homicide rate. So are 50% of US murders not committed by black people then and most of them are innocents who have been set up by the corrupt Police/justice system?
I notice that this article doesn’t address the homicide rate. So are 50% of US murders not committed by black people then and most of them are innocents who have been set up by the corrupt Police/justice system?
I honest to God have no idea who you’re arguing with right now.
This kid is suffering from a bad case of Backpfeifengesicht
I’m no psychologist, but that kid that just kept staring at him is definitely a sociopath.
The number of women who use tampons vs. number of women who do whatever tf you’re telling them to do here is completely imbalanced so you absolutely. can’t. compare. them. You genuinely have no idea if this is as risky or riskier than tampons. For the love of God open yourself to the possibility that this was an…
What the fuck? When did Deadspin turn into a shitty fucking hot take factory? How the hell are you comparing Newton’s press conference to that Manning press conference? Manning literally blamed his teammates for the loss. THAT is what made that so shitty. Neeton didn’t do anything like that. He gave curt answers. He…
All game, all I kept thinking was, “why doesn’t Carolina have one or two short-pattern or crossing-route guys?”
There were some great games in the MS Plus! Pack. HyperBowl, Labyrinth, Russian Square...
Ah, those take me back.
Who plays this? I thought we all agreed that the pinball game was the only game worth playing?
Here's Corvette Racing driver Tommy Milner taking the all new 2015 Chevy Corvette Z06 around Road Atlanta. He's…
Incredible bike. And possibly the most effective natural selection device ever produced. Many, many bros will meet their demise on this crotch rocket.
Successful troll is successful.
Oh, how cute. A typing cunt.
Ginger, the more posts of yours that I read, the more I love you.
This is great. Guy makes incredibly stupid post, tries to somehow bring logic into it, can't refute actual logical counter arguments, now suddenly has better things to do.
You're the one that is mad at an atheist for not believing in your sky fairy god.
Being an atheist doesn't mean you don't believe in anything. It just means you don't believe in God.
Hmmm, well, as long as you're playing that stupid game:
Why aren't Christians pro abortion? If the "unborn baby" hasn't committed the original sin of birth and is merely an innocent lamb murdered by a hell-bound OB-GYN, then doesn't his or her precious unborn soul floats right up to the Gates in the sky to be with…