
Oh get your head back together. In about thirty years you’ll be saying the same shit. Hell—- in about TEN. The pace of change is accelerating so fast, it won’t be the prior generation that is out of touch. It will be YOU within YOUR generation who will be trying to find footing.

Oh, I can see you have feelings. So sad. The world is a cruel place. I’m afraid you might not make it.

It’s getting so hard to communicate these days. Every god damned thing you say, write or do is a crime against humanity.

I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.

Personally, if a cis person can’t play a trans role then a trans person shouldn’t be able to play a cis role. Anything else is hypocritcal.

If you didn't get an Apple Certified windshield, they would probably brick your car. I wish this was a joke.

Apple has obviously never heard of CANADIAN WINTER ROADS.

Some jurisdictions don’t have that. Like mine. Zero inspections unless you change provinces.

Lots of people put off necessary windshield repair and replacement. Some folks, unfortunately, need to be prodded, and that’s part of the idea here too, as the application goes onto explain:”

Hell, that fits most American corporations business model.

The last thing I need in my life is yet another gadget nagging me about something of which I am already aware. Do you really want to get notifications in your phone from your windshield?

Doesn’t help the consumer and makes things more costly. Yup, fits Apple's business model.

Knowing Apple, they will make third party windshields throw a warning light and the car losing 20hp until you replace it with a genuine Apple windshield at an authorized dealer.

When I saw the first scene on GameCube for Rogue leader I thought there was no possible way graphics could get better. Still one of my favorite games to date.

It’s interesting how all these celebrities and sports stars think they have more insight than the grand jury...

Are you saying that Lewis Hamilton is so invisible that he cannot make a statement on his own? Because I don’t buy that.

Here’s a question:

Imagine thinking that the violent terrorist anti fascists or anti racists are actually what they claim to be. Lol.

My limited experience with dealer surveys is that, either in person or by email, I am told that nothing but the top rating is considered satisfactory. IMHO, this renders the survey meaningless, so I just ignore them.

There’s a difference between a theory and a cover.