
The tactic has previously been mostly used by extremist jihadist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, as well as Palestinian militants.

Why is lady screaming to get the license plate number?  What are they going to do with that information? Don’t they want to defund the police?

Reginald Denny.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don’t “protest” in the streets and maybe you’ll reduce your chances of getting hit...

If they have zero legitimate reason to be in that area, they premeditated this and went specifically for a confrontation. Should be attempted vehicular manslaughter.

Might want to ask Reginald Denny what could happen if you stop for protesters in the streets.

That’s what happened the other night. Lady took a turn onto a “protesters” street. Said “peaceful” protesters shot into her car without warning killing an 8 year old girl.

So much this. They were breaking his windows FFS. What he did was self defense and removing himself from the situation. I see no problem here.

I see both sides here. Problem is, even with the vids, we don’t have a clear picture. Why did the protesters mob the vehicle? Did the driver do something to cause it or did this mob randomly decide to harass this vehicle for no good reason? There’s a lot of fear being fueled by bullshit these days. I have a concealed

So your only argument is that he is uneducated because he has poor spelling, yet you didn’t even address the main issue of terrorists in the streets burning buildings, shooting cars and killing people.  Um, ok.

Last week a driver was shot in Utah for making a left turn in the vicinity of protesters. Of course these drivers are scared for their lives— their lives are in danger from a mob.

An attack? Really? You know some people are just driving on roads to, you know, drive somewhere? Then they take a wrong turn or whatever and now have the mob after them.

Times are a changin. Used to be when someone(s) blocked the path of your vehicle and others started to hammer the windows and open the doors, they were going to rob you and beat the crap out of you, if you are lucky.

So we don’t want the police, but we demand the police do their work.
Also I remember being a child and learning to NOT run in the street in front of cars. Especially cars that are moving toward me making more noise.

You NYCers and your feckless, worthless mayor created the hellscape you live in; deal with it.

protesters brought this on themselves by attacking people in their vehicles. They made it unsafe for a driver to stop, so wtf are they trying to go for here?

Good. It is dangerous to stop when terorists want to pull you over. Terorist could shoot him like the old man i Provo.

Agreed with all of the above.  This article is pretty pathetic.

Another garbage clickbait headline. How are they pissing off “everyone possible?” Sure the factory workers who had hoped to be rehired might be disappointed, but that’s not “everyone possible.” I’m not pissed. You’re not pissed. Mrs Wilson from number 43 is not pissed. As the last paragraph clearly states, this is SOP.