
So, what you are saying is that Telsa Trucks will litter more when they have crap fall out of the back.   

Congratulations! You’ve just discovered what the NASCAR world has known about for decades... except they fill the trailing low-pressure areas with other cars.
Tweak the Cd/frontal enough to sustain 190mph with a restricted ~550hp and cutting that wake drag is enough to add 5-10mph. That’s why restrictor plate races are

Seems like they do, until all the rioters turns to their homes and businesses...

This is a silly question,  but do you guys REALLY want to abolish cops in your city? How does that work? Not trolling. Genuinely don't know.

Maybe it was a box full of these?

All lives matter. Equally.

How are you supposed to see all of that in the split seconds it takes to round a corner to a large crowd of people who are obviously upset, otherwise they wouldn't be there on the freeway?

The guy is isolated in a truck cab. Maybe he’s listening to the radio and keeping up with the news, maybe not. In either case, how is he supposed to tell the difference between a “peaceful protest” and a “violent mob,” especially when there is a huge crowd of people on a freeway that they’re not supposed to be on in

He did not know that the road was closed, and the 35w bridge has a hump, so he probably did not see the crowd until it was too late, so he slammed on the brakes and laid on the horn.

Yeah, well, you go ahead and call me all the names you want.

I live in MPLS. There’s a curve, and it’s a bridge, so visibility isn’t crystal clear for a half mile. It’s limited. 

He supported the protests, not the attempted murder, you dumb fuck.

Plow through a crowd? He clearly avoided the crowd, even the one who ended up directly in front of him. Besides that, had he stopped “thousands of yards back” (Which is hilariously off, but I digress), what’s he going to do? Just sit there in a highway for a full day until the crowd goes away? It’s a full length semi,

Just to clarify: The guy who when stopped was immediately pulled from his cab and beaten, should have stopped earlier to be immediately pulled from his cab and beaten? Flawless logic.

He did slow. And we all don’t know, I don’t follow the news, and thus don’t know any more about this than what’s on the front page of Jalopnik (and frankly don’t care). If I was driving eight hours a day for a living, I likely wouldn’t even know that much.

If you don’t know that name, then you are too young to remember.

it takes a long time to stop a fully loaded tanker at highway speeds. Add to it any inattention, probably poor truck maintenance, also maybe some rubber-necking since the other side of the highway was the side that was most full and maybe a lot of incompetence and something like this can happen.

He was on the road before the road block went live on the front end.
Reading comprehension is HARD> 

Read the article before speaking.

Timing.  The roads weren’t supposed to be closed until later.  When the protest moved to the freeway, they scrambled to try and get it closed ASAP.