
I was an OS in the US navy. It was my job to detect, track, and identify all air and surface contacts. Generally we classified any aircraft flying above angles 32 (32,000 feet) and at 500 knots as a commercial flight. This aircraft fit that pattern. We wouldn't classify it as potential hostel unless it veered

What could the airlines really respond with besides rerouting traffic?

half the world is a war zone, planes fly over them constantly

It's easy to question that now, in hindsight. But there were no flight restrictions at that altitude when it occurred.

the upside of sever colorblindness is your night vision is usually far superior to someone with normal color vision. So cut the lights before you bitch slap your friend.

Cable dressing is an art. Like all arts, it requires patient practice. Unlike most arts, it also requires scads of zip-ties.

Works every freaking time for me.

2. Spending $100 on a new Windows license.

The Top Best Reason to Build A PC:

My god, I do hate this part...

Hello twin? Seriously you basically described my exact situation. My wardrobe consists of 95% black shirts and blue jeans. If I decide to venture out of that comfort zone, I need my fiance with me in order to confirm the shirt I picked up is indeed blue and not purple.

Evil space aliens are frequently British themselves.

Yes they can be colourblind. Colourblindness is X chromosome linked, and a woman would have to inherit two X chromosomes that result in colourblindness. That is why colourblindness is very rare but still entirely possible in women.

I actually was going to make that #3. Skin tones...forget it, everyone is just going to be whatever color the paper happens to be.

You've got it the wrong way around. You're fine, but there's no cure for being American. I've been trying for a while. (I'm British with an American wife)

If it makes you feel any better, I suffer from an affliction that makes me think they spelt 'color' wrong.

When I was really little, I evaded detection for years. My color descriptions seemed off, so my parents started informal testing by holding up a crayon and asking me "What color is this?" However, I was a good reader, so it was easy to call the brown crayon brown and the red crayon red (and likewise with blue and

This is how it's always been for me:

Two of the worse things about being colorblind:
1. As you stated, people almost IMMEDIATLY go straight to "What color is my shirt, what color is this, what color is that?" Beyond the fact of it being incredibly demoralizing, god forbid you actually answer correctly because then they accuse you of not being colorblind

The biggest obstacle for playing games with my red/green colorblindness was trying to tell what color my game boy battery light was as a kid. The green/yellow/red lights all looked about the same shade of yellow.