I have seen something like what you describe in Colorado long ago. There was a huge storm and an announcement came over the TV news that if you had a 4x4 with chains would you please go to nearest hospital to transport on call physicians/nurses/techs from their homes to various hospitals as needed. Unfortunately, I…
Well said. Every car is a compromise. At the very least it's a compromise between performance and cost. This is also why I find it pointless to argue why one car is better than another. It might be better at the things important to you, but that's probably not the same for everyone.
I mean...it was a nice drift.
Camera in the car captured the truck driver:
In some sick way, I'd almost rather my remaining grandmother die like a lawless badass than the way my other 3 grandparents have gone: multilple aneurisms and a vegetative state; cerebral hemhorrage while sleeping; and a protracted 3-year battle with Alzheimers in a nursing home.
Hey Rut, thought you'd like to see the shift knob on my Cobra. It's my way of saying "Hey guys, look what playing D&D can get you!"