
At 2:14, the XB1 version of the monster being shown seems to have zero texturing in comparison to the PC/PS4 versions, but it's hard to tell if it's an issue with pop-in texturing or if it's just not there.

Well, that was quick.

I like Rupert Friend a lot, I'm also one of the few that thought the first Hitman movie was A-Ok, and I had a lot of fun watching it.

For $0, I get to not worry about this bullshit and speak with my wallet.

She bounces like a Dead Or Alive character.

Bought it on the PC then got in on the $20 Gamestop snafu on the PS4 version. I'm a few hours into the PC version at this point though, game feels super natural with a mouse/kb setup as opposed to gamepad, which is a rarity these days. Had to turn the view distance down to 0 for it to run well, but strangely enough,

Just wait til we find out only 1.5GB of it is actually usable.

Halo MCC has entered beta?

Sounds like the Guild Wars 2 route mostly?

Ah well, can't say I blame them, but I got plenty to play until it's legitimately $5.

On the plus side it was $5 on over the weekend, and it'll still be worth that.

You could read The Silmarillion 54 times.

Better get started.

Done buying Season Passes, but I'll grab some of the DLC if it seems any good. Far Cry 4 is my 2014 GOTY hands down.

And I think it's gonna be a long long time

I bought my son as copy of Guild Wars for his 5th birthday because he was completely enthralled watching me play. His 2nd grade teacher made a comment at a parent/teacher conference once that he was the only student she'd ever had to use the word 'catacomb' in a story he wrote.

Reminds me of

Goodbye Microsoft. It was a good run

I haven't played Destiny in awhile, I can't remember if there was anything I hadn't already done in the game a dozen times already. I had a to-do list here somewhere...