
Nowhere Man, John Doe, and Life Unexpected all took place in Portland and were great shows that were cancelled, so if GTA6 revolves around an amnesiac adoptee who is on the run from a shadow government agency, then Portland would be the perfect location.

Microcenter by my house had an MSI 970 open box out a week after they launched for $259.99, no idea why, figured I'd grab it and worst case it would be warrantied. Been using it since tho with zero issues.

Running the same i7 920 setup for the past almost 5 years, just upgraded a GTX 670 that I got for under $200 at the time to a GTX970 when they came out. GPUs have advanced quite a bit, but CPU/memory updates have been pretty minimal performance wise for half a decade. I paid $260 for the GTX970, which is more than I

These actually seem pretty modest in comparison to a few of the games we saw ported to the PC last year like The Evil Within, where the recommended VRAM requirements were through the roof

Maybe he's an imaginary friend that Mario had as a child and then wished into existence.

Is "going outside" or "Reading a book" some special code for changing MTU settings?

How sad is it for Nintendo that 2 dudes on the internet can get this working through homebrew channels, but Nintendo, a multi-billion dollar company, never did/could.

Logged in at around 8:30pm Mountain time last night and was on til a little after 11 playing Far Cry 4, seemed to be working fine for me, but I can only speak for myself obviously.

Whenever I load this up in Minecraft, PSN goes down.

No, MS makes a 1 time connection to XBL a requirement, and they have since launch. The system is unusable until that happens.

Good job completely missing the point of my post.

A lot of the functionality on the PS4 and XB1 are tied to the ability to log into PSN/XBL, and with the XB1, if you cracked open a new system yesterday, the system requires you to log onto XBL at least once to use it, which makes that console a physical brick until this stuff passes.

Good time to be a PC gamer or even have a Wii U with a few choice titles. My son spent 4-5 hours yesterday playing Smash Bros online, no real issues to speak of. I played several games on Steam with friends, no issues, I have a PS4 and an XBL, but didn't bother touching either of them yesterday and looks like I won't

Sorry for your lots.

As someone who bought an XB1 for Sunset OD...

The short lived Monoprice deal for the PS4 for $330 shipped was probably still a better option, but this is pretty awesome.

The short lived Monoprice deal for the PS4 for $330 shipped was probably still a better option, but this is pretty

Perform that stroking motion attentively and vigorously and all will be well.

How I felt playing Destiny.

Viggo Mortensen. I thought this was famous celebrities.