
DAoC is still the best MMO to date. Good luck to those guys and I hope they all land on their feet, they deserved better than EA.

Arby's Brisket is people!

Better deal on a TV, 40" 1080p LED for $230 shipped. I have 2 of these and they're great, don't let the brand name fool you, Google ChangHong, they are one of the biggest TV manufacturers in China. TV also supports MP3/4 playback directly through the USB port, which is pretty great if you're looking for something that

Twitch Plays Rubik's Cube confirmed.

From a rocky start to now, with over 5 million units sold

"Hey, everybody, I'm on the moon!"

Heads up, keys are posted on both GMG and Nuveem not for people who pre-ordered Dark Souls 2 on those sites. I hadn't gotten an email yet, but checked my GMG account and it was there. Pre-loading on Steam now. Praise the sun.

PC ownin' it.

Pitchford is the Master of Misdirection.

The only one I have is Arkham City, and I have it on disc. It'll be nice to have a digital option to fire up when I'm in the mood. still one of my favorite games of last gen.

Security guards, too, eh?

Why couldn't he have just walked away from making this?

There's always a risk that will happen to people who get their copy of EA games early.

Virtual Christian single ads overlaid on top of Dark Souls 3 confirmed.

This is how the 76ers play every game.

Pre-ordered on the PS3 and PC, game is awesome, will play it now and then play it again at 1440p in a month or so. It's a bummer some of the graphical features had to be dialed back, but I'm still loving the hell out of everything about this game.

The mustard race?

Heads up, Batman: Arkham Knight is $39 on Greenmangaming w/ code AW3PEM-PTOQ6J-Z77C67. Probably won't get much cheaper than that before release I don't think, especially considering the fact that I believe the SRP on this game is supposed to be $59.99, so GMG is selling it at a $10 discount off the top.