DAoC is still the best MMO to date. Good luck to those guys and I hope they all land on their feet, they deserved better than EA.
DAoC is still the best MMO to date. Good luck to those guys and I hope they all land on their feet, they deserved better than EA.
Better deal on a TV, 40" 1080p LED for $230 shipped. I have 2 of these and they're great, don't let the brand name fool you, Google ChangHong, they are one of the biggest TV manufacturers in China. TV also supports MP3/4 playback directly through the USB port, which is pretty great if you're looking for something that…
Twitch Plays Rubik's Cube confirmed.
From a rocky start to now, with over 5 million units sold
Heads up, keys are posted on both GMG and Nuveem not for people who pre-ordered Dark Souls 2 on those sites. I hadn't gotten an email yet, but checked my GMG account and it was there. Pre-loading on Steam now. Praise the sun.
PC ownin' it.
Pitchford is the Master of Misdirection.
The only one I have is Arkham City, and I have it on disc. It'll be nice to have a digital option to fire up when I'm in the mood. still one of my favorite games of last gen.
There's always a risk that will happen to people who get their copy of EA games early.
This is how the 76ers play every game.
Pre-ordered on the PS3 and PC, game is awesome, will play it now and then play it again at 1440p in a month or so. It's a bummer some of the graphical features had to be dialed back, but I'm still loving the hell out of everything about this game.
Heads up, Batman: Arkham Knight is $39 on Greenmangaming w/ code AW3PEM-PTOQ6J-Z77C67. Probably won't get much cheaper than that before release I don't think, especially considering the fact that I believe the SRP on this game is supposed to be $59.99, so GMG is selling it at a $10 discount off the top.