
MS really needs to do something about the crushed black situation, it looks awful when you see it. Regardless tho, the PC version looks a lot cleaner across the board, and the higher native resolution makes everything seem a lot cleaner with more defined lines.

"And that's the version we always put the least amount of effort into optimizing, so even on your cutting edge gaming hardware, you can expect it to run like warmed over garbage a lot of the time."

Have no willpower to wait, so I picked up the Black Armor PS3 Edition to play now and pre-ordered the PC version for $40 on GMG. Game is massive and I will replay it on both at least a couple of times, just like the original, so I'm not too worried about it.

I found this hard to masturbate to.

From Jeff @ Giantbomb:

I imagine I could get to maybe the letter 'E', then

I'd be happy just to know when my PS3 copy is going to ship from Amazon.

Ironically, 'Dumpster Diving' is what I call it when I actually shop at a Gamestop.

Amazon had The Witch and the Hundred Knight pre-order for $19.99 back in early November, grabbed it then. Can't believe it's up to $49.99. I hardly know what the game is, but if I cancelled now, I'd be losing money.

Not looking for a job, but I've always thought the stuff out of Obsidian, while not the cleanest out of the box, was some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Alpha Protocol, New Vegas, and the NWN stuff from years past always kept me entertained for dozens of hours.

I'm sure EA will have you covered on more game modes/maps.

Not enough pipes.

I would play the shit out of this.

In other news, much to the surprise of many, the Wii supported online play.

Ummm, good?

Or you could just play it online here with numbers.

I'm a magician, time to sue the creators of Arrested Development.

People give a lot of flack to Knack, but it's not that whack, In some ways, it's right on track, it's good to play as a bite sized snack, so people should probably give that game some slack.

Rod Hunt is a great adult film entertainer name.