
This doesn't bode well for my "milkshake" trademark application.

So no Persona 5 for the 360?

What's Titanfall?

He's wearing contacts now.

JRPG announcement for a game console that doesn't even have a launch date for J.

Hoping this doesn't mean Wolfenstein is a train wreck, I'm a big fan of the series.

Pour one out for those losing their jobs, like Shawn Elliot. Hopefully they all land on their feet, they have a hell of a pedigree to note on their resume.

When I had Blackjack Pizza, it tasted like it was 3 years old.

Played for around 5 hours on Saturday, it's a cool title, it's not some game changing experience to be had, but it definitely adds a few things to the Call of Duty system and has a lot of potential. I've have a copy pre-ordered on the PC and look forward to checking out the rest of the maps when it comes out. These

Just made the most of it. Whew...sleepy.

I only watch unboxing videos of cheap chinese knock offs of game consoles like the YINLIPS YDPG18 PS Vita knockoff or the Vii.

Earth Defense Force 2017 for the PS Vita is $9.99 right now on the PS Store, normally $39.99. Same great game as the 360 version, but with online coop.

March release schedule is pretty insane at this point, but Second Son is still the game I'm most excited about. The 2 Infamous games on the PS3 definitely fall in my Top 10 of the previous generation, and this game was a big reason behind me picking up a PS4 at launch to be ready.

Yeah, I bought Kabuto on as soon as it was available even tho I still have the original game on CD. I probably put 100+ hours into the game between the amazing campaign and various multiplayer modes. Always sad that it didn't keep a following online like other older games, would love to jump into some MP

Whoa. Not sure where that came from, but you have fun with that.

Not interested unless Megas XLR is a playable Titan.

Game seems to directly pull from the vs. Giant mode in Giant: Citizen Kabuto. 4v1, 3 stages of evolution for the monster/giant, jet packs.

XB1's been kind of a clusterf*** since launch, I had both systems pre-ordered at Amazon, got them both, ended up shipping the XB1 back to Amazon. The system is too dependent on a Kinect that is flawed and inconsistent IMO. I have friends who still have them and they tell me it's not all that bad, but then I go to

The National Spelling Association sees everything...