
February comes with over $100 in PS Plus free games for the PS3.

Damn, Sony bringing it in February again. Good stuff.

Whatever dude. I know how to build a PC already.

The moving trees are pretty cool. They could patch that in on the PC pretty easily. In fact, everything in the "Definitive" version could be patched into the PC version pretty easily for free or for like a $10 DLC charge even.

This game basically prints money. Bought 3 copies when it was still in alpha for me and my kids and we still hop on a server I run from time to time and play. Bought it again on the PS3 as soon as it launched, but haven't spent a whole lot of time with it.

Those are a substantial departure from the original cartoon.


Man, if Ubi jumps ship on the Wii U as well, Nintendo is going to have an even tougher time trying to justify the Wii U, especially at over $200, when the 360 and PS3 are getting those games and running them at the same quality or better.

8 year old Jason at the end is the only one with anything resembling proper grammar.

Have they shown any footage of the 360 version of Titanfall?

Clearly, Microsoft is paying sites $3 per 1000 hits to run articles about the PS4 corrupting game saves.

Hard to feel sorry for this kind of thing when companies like Ubisoft blow countless millions on stupid shit like parking pirate ships in the bay outside of ComicCon. Over budget? Pro-tip: Spend less.

I'm 41, but I have no business deciding what I should be able to buy on the app store, as my purchase history will strongly prove.

If anyone is looking for an XBox One deal, I would highly recommend checking Craigslist. In Denver alone, I've seen half a dozen Ones going for $400-$450, sometimes even with an extra game. Not sure what the deal with people selling them off at a loss is, or how long it'll last, but worth checking out if you're in the

They should run a Kickstarter to recoup their losses and help continue funding. I would kickstart the shit out of anything they put up and I bet a ton of other people would as well.

Scored this as a pre-order for $4 on GMG over the holidays. Already have it on the Vita, good game despite some (hopefully) platform specific jankiness, looking forward to playing the full scale PC version over the weekend.

That's one kickass Wipeout controller.

I'll pick it up when all the episodes are out. I get the feeling A Wolf Among Us hasn't exactly set the world on fire sales wise, and it's taken a back seat to Walking Dead S2 episodes as a result. $10 says Walking Dead S2 will be out in it's entirety before A Wolf Among Us finishes up.