Payday The Heist is $2 on Steam, $6 for the 4-pack. Amazingly fun coop, think Left4Dead but with cops/swat teams and thievery. Can't recommend it enough. I'm not much into MP online gaming, but love good coop, and that's what this is.
When does Amazon start sending out the $5 discount codes from buying games in December?
It'd be cool to have for $800.
Last of Us is a fine choice for AAA Game of the Year, there were several better games, but most of them were indie level titles, and just like any sci-fi or fantasy film is never going to win the Oscar for Best Picture, indie titles are pretty much always ignored in favor of the big, multi-million dollar budget…
All I wanted for XMas was to get my XBox One boxed up and sent back to Amazon. In that regard, it was a pretty good Xmas.
Less than 20 people killed in gun related incidents in Japan pretty much every year.
Dude created a popular device of violence designed for the sole purpose of one man to kill one or more other men.
That is some mad nostalgia right there.
Yeah, they worked really well, and it had 2-player local coop, which was a lot of fun.
Diablo on the PS1 was a pretty great game as well, I still have my copy. Always thought it was weird D2 never made it to at least one console.
I put in roughly 200 hours on the PC version, and on a whim picked up the PS3 version to check out the couch coop. I don't think I'll ever go back to the PC version, and I'll end up buying the PS4 that comes with the expansion pack for sure. Having 3-4 people sitting around playing D3 on a big screen is one of the…
Would probably buy an Ouya for $60. Ahh well, probably best that I missed it.
But I wanted to see what it looks like not covered in sand!
I would assume as long as you have those PS3 character saves, when you get the PS4 version, they'll still carry over.
I jumped into Minecraft on the PC last night after not playing for probably 6 months at least. Ran around for a bit, found a desert area, then the tip of some structure poking out of the sand. 3 hours later, I had gone through probably 4 dozen shovels clearing out sand to reveal a pretty substantial pyramid structure,…
Diablo 3 is $35 for the PS3 and PC on Amazon as well.
Huge fan of the Dead Island series (I even enjoyed Riptide for what it was). Can't wait for this. Been playing Dead Rising 3, and it's fun, but it still isn't drawing me in like the Dead Island games did.