Hey, I'm in the 8%, got both.
Hey, I'm in the 8%, got both.
Yeah, it would be nice to occasionally start up a match in KI with someone online and not have them be Jago.
Too soon.
It's really creepy that they put pants on the robots.
People lose their job in every industry in the world over policy change and economic shifts, Youtubers are no different. Do I feel bad for people suddenly looking at a lack of income? Of course. Do I feel worse for them than the guy who drives into work in the dark, works 8-12/day and then drives home in the dark only…
Not saying this is false, seems weird that the day before NPDs, Nelson drops a 2 million number that includes the first week of December tho.
Addresses dashboard performance for some users
Spelunky is $3.75 on PSN right now for Plus subscribers, and it's cross buy across the PS3 and Vita. Crazy deal.
A lot of multiplats in this list considering how many platform exclusives the system has had over the years.
Gamers are lazy.
Best XBox Game actually says a lot about the 360's output in 2013, considering that came to everything else as well.
I spent a stretch of time dipping fries from Wendy's in a chocolate Frosty, good stuff.
It's simple, stupid fun, but the strategy can be pretty deep, especially in MP if you don't know how to counter a specific character's special move.
Divekick is awesome, good to hear it'll get into the hands of more people. A lot of great games actually.
Still heavily debating boxing mine up and sending it back to Amazon as soon as I finish Dead Rising 3. It really is just that bad at this point. Only the biggest of fanboys wouldn't admit the glaring issues the system has at this point.
Sounds about right.