Black Friday is amazing if only for the dozens of great carnage videos that come out of it every year.
Black Friday is amazing if only for the dozens of great carnage videos that come out of it every year.
Heads up, if you did the "$30 for $30" PS4 DS4 trade-in deal a few months back, you also got $20 off of Beyond. I ordered it for $35 last night and got it for $15 shipped, but if it works toward the game for $25, getting it for $5 is obviously even better. I was pretty content just paying $15 tho.
Second screen is solidly in the PS4's camp for the Remote Play functionality in addition to the Playstation mobile app, there is no draw there unless MS has some magical handheld we don't know about that I can stream Dead Rising 3 to and play remotely.
This weekend I saw stock of Xbox One Day One Editions at ToysRUs and Target here in Denver, which made me wonder who is buying this above SRP systems on Ebay and Craigslist.
Listed mine as soon as I saw this. Screw it, I care less about achievements, if I can score $50 for it, that's $50 less for the XB1 basically. Win-win.
Never heard of this KSI PoS until today, goes to show 4 million followers on Youtube doesn't equate to real world celebrity status I guess.
Put in a request with Amazon to pricematch the $49 for Dead Rising 3 from WalMart. I can always dream.
He filmed himself in 1080p.
Guess we'll see how small it is, one guy on Gaf bought 2 systems and both systems had the drive issue.
If I made a million of anything, I would probably feel pretty good if I only screwed up 10,000 of them.
Well deserved so far, system has a lot of great potential, Killzone looks and runs amazingly, Knack is a lot of fun (playing on hard is Dark Souls levels of frustration, lol), and we've been playing a lot of Resogun, DCUO, and Lego Marvel Super Heroes on it as well.
He did the Banderas, hilarious.