
No offense, but I feel like other games like Battlefield and Call of Duty tend to get a pass on the single player campaign in favor of their MP, while Killzone reviews tend to base review numbers entirely on the SP campaign, when the MP is just as important, and clearly hasn't been played here enough to warrant a

Snagged up Knack, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and Killzone for $120 shipped, will be here Friday with Prime. Good stuff.

So then I said, "Power of the cloud? LOL!"

Dude's XB1 got banned. Damn, MS is the strong arm of the console world.

Good stuff, I've got both systems pre-ordered for launch day editions, definitely getting the PS4, still on the fence about keeping the XB1 or selling it, this kind of information definitely makes it more tempting, especially for Dead Rising 3, but I still think I'm going to wait til next Xmas to pick up the XB1.

I'd rather see another RTS based on the content in WoW.

If I'm not mistaken, DR3 started out as a 360 game, and was later moved over the XB1. The graphics are pretty muddy from everything I've seen and the combat seems repetitive. I guess I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but there are games that look and run a lot better than this game.

It's okay guys, even tho the PS3 was often ripped apart this generation over minor differences in graphical quality by sites like Kotaku, MS should be given a pass. It's important to perpetrate a double standard for game console makers in the media, and downplay issues across the board when MS makes a misstep and

Roughly the section of Dexter you should stop at if you want to leave on a high note.

Is that something that works by default, or do you need to do some modding/hacking to get it working?

That shirt.

Native or up-scaled? You know they both look the same, right? just sit back further.

With tax, which I don't have to pay on Amazon, my Best Buy order came out to $239.43.

Oh yeah, Amazon selling Nintendo systems again! Cancelled my Zelda 3DS XL bundle at Best Buy and ordered a red/black XL from Amazon instead. No tax and free shipping ends up saving me roughly $70, and still $30 if I decide to pick up Zelda later on separately. Wasn't thrilled with the gold color anyway.

Going to tough it out with my 660Ti awhile longer. My next card might be an R290X, but I need to wait and see if the govt shuts down again come January.

Whatever, dude, I drew a penis on a 3DS once, it wasn't even my 3DS.

Zelda 3ds XL pre-ordered for in-store pickup. We'll see if I go through with it once it shows up :).

I will put countless hours into Resogun alone. Super Stardust HD was my addiction on the PS3 and Vita for months.

It didn't crash.

See my post here, based on what the person I talked to said, I'm 95% sure we'll see it implemented not too long after launch, at worst, early 2014, but I don't think it'll be that far out.