
Good stuff, I like Target a lot, was hoping they would make this right, and after a bit of a stumble, they haven't disappointed.

As someone who doesn't like the Call of Duty series at all (at least the MP side, I've always enjoyed the campaigns), I'm hopeful this brings a different experience. I'm encouraged by people from Gamescom who said they're not into Call of Duty either but loved playing Titanfall

Not confirmed either way, but general impressions of the XB1 version have been that it's running at sub-1080p and Respawn has said they are willing to sacrifice resolution to maintain 60fps on the XB1.

Doubt it'll be on Steam since EA is publishing, Origin only likely.

That's cool, a port of the 720p-900p version from the XB1 running at 1440p on my PC at a constant 60fps will still be preferable.

PC Master Race Version pre-ordered.

GTA5 for the PC, Brought To You By

That PS3 GTA5 bundle deal continues to be amazing.

That PS3 GTA5 bundle deal continues to be amazing.

Time to dial back these XBL Gold entitlements, it's spiraling out of control.

I believe the issue comes from the fact that the final specs for both systems has been a moving target up until the last couple of months, and the development SDKs have been in various stages of completion for both systems. If Driveclub and Kinect Sports Rivals are any indications, even 1st party developers have had

"Over time we'll see more and more offloading of intensive CPU processing to the cloud."—Microsoft's John Bruno

Wait, I thought Nascar was supposed to be fast.

I agree. If I had to wager, given the partnership between EA and MS, most games coming across all platforms will be capped for parity in some way for at least the first year, given the hardware shortcomings and rough development SDK for the Xbox One.

You did this Jason. You.

PS4 version lookin' PC levels of quality.

I noticed they show the price for the PS4, but not the XB1.

The funny thing, I have no games pre-ordered, just the system, the camera, and an extra controller. I'm a Plus subscriber, so I'll get Resogun and Driveclub+ (if it's not delayed, which is seeming less and less likely), plus the F2P games, then I'm going to ride out the first day or two and see what games float to the