
So ready for this.

Maybe Plus users will get something better as a substitute if true. I don't know what that would be, but I'm up to offers.

I think you're underestimating Rackspace's technology and how long it took MS to spin up the systems they have in place, definitely not 30 years, MS got into Azure in the last half a decade after seeing Amazon's success in the market, but it's not worth debating over.

Can't speak for all publishers, but I imagine if they weren't given a similar option from Sony using their Rackspace resources, most would just eat the cost as opposed to burning one set of gamers in favor of another.

Believe, at least in the U.S., it wasn't an "official" PS4 bundle anyway, so shouldn't be too hard to separate them out.

I was wondering how this was going to play out. Ordered the core system for myself, but hopefully this works out for people who ordered bundles. Maybe an option to substitute Watch Dogs with another game at launch?

This is probably a move to keep it and AC4 separated so they don't cannibalize sales from each other. Smart move for Ubi, bad move for people who wanted Watchdogs as a launch game.

Good stuff, Velvet Underground tune is awesome. "Greatness Awaits" may be the best slogan I've heard for anything in at least a couple of years.

Damn, a free PS4, and he didn't even have to eat Taco Bell.

So boobs.

I'm thinking of waiting until it's on sale for $19.99.

SE guarantees another multiplatform title will do poorly on the Wii U.

Assuming the U.S. doesn't suffer from a completely financial collapse, I'll probably double dip on this.

The only game my wife has been waiting eons for on the PC and Microsoft moneyhats it.

I'll have to get my wife to do this for the free games :).

Again, misconception, look it up, U.S. was still $18 billion in debt when Clinton left the White House. When the govt says "surplus", they rarely mean what we think "surplus" should mean.

That's a myth, when Clinton left office, we still had $18 billion in debt. The idea of having a "surplus" at the federal level will never mean that we don't have debt unfortunately, the world just doesn't work that way.

Guess what, the country is always in debt, we haven't not been in debt since before you and I were born. We'll be in debt when Obama leaves office, and if the U.S. is still around in 100 years, we'll still be in debt.