
We have something in common Major Nelson, I'm not a big fan of the XBone either.

3 of these eggs contain giant spiders, 1 contains a copy of GTA5. Let's begin...

September 17th?

Pull my finger.

Is she going to dip into Troll 2 for character names this time?

We're fine, just fine...

That's cool.

See Escape from LA for back story.

Penello's constant and overly-insistent pushback on Gaf and now the addition of Major Nelson probably isn't going to help their case. Penello has thrown out figures that are mathematically impossible to come up with, and even those numbers are only a reflection of peak performance numbers, not sustained.

I got excited at that dude in that video fake playing Killzone and coming back to win the match...

Looks like somebody needs to turn that frown upside down!

But vidya games.

Wonder if they're hedging their bets on next-gen consoles reinvigorating the industry and making a videogame channel a viable thing again.

Nate Fox seems like a pretty great guy. When he talks about Second Son, it makes me more excited about Second Son, if that's even possible.

This thing needs to come to the U.S. stat. Will get.

Pushes the Home button, nothing happens, "sometimes is doesn't work."

Has been fine here mostly, did kick me out once early on, but before any games actually started, and that ended up being Adobe Flash shitting the bed.

To people thinking MS will allow cross play if asked, I wouldn't bet on it. MS is still going to require XBL Gold to play Free2Play games on the XBO, along with dozens of other "gold only" apps like Internet Explorer.

It's a specific lazy type of port?

Pretty sure nobody said having Netflix was pointless. Devoting over half of your "game console's" development budget to Kinect and a redundant TV guide system, though...