
I think she missed the point with Spelunker and Castle Crashers.
And the whole praise for mods but bashing the switching or unlocking the females in the game to be used as characters in the same game kinda confused me.
I like the points that she brings up in the three videos, but she should have developed an answer to

Chris G usually pulls a Morrigan/Doom combo, but seeing this kinda shows that something was fishy.
I understand pulling a new team to freshen up and not make it the same stale and annoying show so that the crowd gets something to enjoy(like EVO in some cases), but 3 different teams without having a point character in

There a difference between publicly venting your rage, and venting your rage in a way so that later on you can create a structured reply making yourself look like someone who can take the shit that everyone is throwing at you.
This is horrible PR for Fish if he wants to do something else.
Beer can bounce around cause he

Couldn't they just merge the two DLC's or just patch the level increase?
The last level patch just gave us some lackluster pearls, at least make it into a full blown DLC, or even a season 2 thing.

Time for operation: Purple Rain!

Double Helix......Yeah, the only thing remotlly screaming at me for their attention is the new Killer Instinct cause of Max.
Don't push your fucking luck.

Bad: The Baron.
You think Barret is a bad sterotype, check out Baron in Anarchy Reigns.

Good: Cyborg, Static, Misty Knight,Dudley from Street Fighter(that snark is so fun), and Idris Elba......What, you can't tell me is wrong to dress up as one of the most bad ass people out there.

As for Latinos that isn't El Mariachi,

It all lies within the Pizza Planet Truck......Hmmm, Pizza Planet.....Hmm...

Fahey, for the new Go Bots line!
*Lightning and Thunder strike at the Hasbro headquarters*

Man, that scar is wicked.
Realy good fucking job.

We all must remember that fandom can be generational....So having a life and fandom don't have to cancel each other out, there may have some sacrifices, but no canceling out.
Trust me, I know some collectors, cosplayers, and artists who are in the fandoms but also have lives.

Seems that Kannaya needs a new costume.
Still, Psylocke Mulan and Wonder Jasmine for the win.

So the first post made me laugh, now I hurt for all this laughing from him becoming CEO of Zynga.
Let's be clear, I don't hate the guy and I think that he can do a good job when they direct him, but the guy can't be thinking that he can have that much power if he doesn't understand......Holy crap, he does understand.

I just can't stop laughing.....I just can't.
I could understand quitting with all the crap that happened with the the recent E3's and presentations, but go to Zynga?
If it was his last oppertunity to get into another "gaming"company then I understand, I just hope he understands........You know what, he doesn't. So good

Those were the good old days of violence and at least good writting(in terms of wrastling), but at least the times had to change to accept that the physical toll was too extreme on the performers....Still, I wish the scripts were better written.

I am scared for the deep fryer commercial.

I want a Dark Horse to buy them if they can't sell their individual properties to other companies.

The Game of Thrones quest and the Pocahontas quest are cool as well.

So in other words: Stay classy gawker commenting systems....until next commenting format change.

Now I have the urge to watch Top Gear .