
But 666 is a Pokemon trainer number.

When you wrote futurist I had the Terminator scene were the robot crushes a guys skull.

I like Miyamoto cause he tells it like he feels it.

I hope we get awesome weapons from this dlc, better pearlies( the butcher, and Avenger were ok but not that great comparing them to the current golden weapons),and that it is as good or fucking better than the Torque DLC(the best dlc so far for the game).

Still, we have the publishers to worry about( that goes for PS4 as well).

Looks like they are going for the same style as GL: animated(Bruce Tim style with CG animation).

I knew this was gonna happen even if they didn't want it.

As I said before, the movie looks and sounds good, but there wasn't really character development for Clark.
Jor-El was awesome, Zod and Ursa(I know what I typed) were good, but everybody else just felt flat.
The Pa Kent bits just irked me so bad. Especially the stupid Tornado scene.
I can understand that Clark shouldn't

Without joking, Maxwell could probably be in Smash if he wanted too since there are more Scribblenaut games on Nintendo consoles.
The same thing with Bomberman.

Now playing

Well, do I have a perfect promo song for Lego:

The problem sometimes is that people create the "minority" characters just to fill a status, instead of making them normal characters in general.
That's why I thank Mr. Dwayne Glenn McDuffie.

So never trust a non original IP from Gearbox....Ok then.
I just hope no one loses their jobs for this.

A lot of these games already were on the console, or PC.
I wouldn't mind indie games being a selling point for the Vita, or at least a half and half(cheap indie games and really meaty Vita exclusive titles).

If the game has a good or better story form like Black and White, similar replay value as Diamond and Pearl, and these new features(5 on 1 wild battles), I think I can fully can get hyped for this game.
I would at least love that "events"would happen more with people who have internet access, or at least have new areas

The shrimp and the hawk look nice, the Skrelp (which I am guessing is a seahorse or some type of kelp) seems structurally odd with the additional thing on the back of it's neck. I am guessing it's dark water type.

Make Froslass a fairy and then everyone laughs.

So it's plausible that Pallet Town, Fusion's ship area, the turtle island from the link play in Animal Crossing from Gamecube, and maybe Aria of Sorrows castle could be in the 3ds version?

Well, technically is an Australia with drought since everything in Australia will kill you.....Even writers.

This should have been a release title....They know it should have been, and they don't know what to do.
I am going to wait until half of this consoles life cycle when they say it was canned or sent to another team.

I hope the shotgun heels are back.