
To adventure and the limits than mankind can break.

I think Cookie Monster was more like Bane.

I remember a documentary about how the T-Rex was more of a scavanger and they made a animated model of it looking like a giant Vulture......I would agree on the not so scary.

My reaction will be based on what my brother says and that is all.

Kinda explains a lot of things.

The last parts of the game are the ones that made me feel things....So many sad things.

Man, Kick Ass 2 is going to be awesome......Wait.

Without going into the whole Ms. Frizzle is River Song(or River Song is the alternative dimension Ms. Frizzle), the books were nice.....The show on the other had...

Now playing

No, you scream "I AM THE LAWWWWW!!!!"......

Well, kinda explains my heart.

Oh look, Kingdom Come......RAWWRRR!!!!

If it ain't broke, blow it up!

Needed more Bloodstorm.

Dinobot would agree......*tears*

Does MLP:FM has a game?.....I can wait.

The price will determine how prepared I should be when Black Friday comes in....Trust me, that shit won't be pretty.

I actualy think Giganta and Chang Tzu got re-worked well in the pre-new 52 world.

Let's just say this: