
Given a fictional race(wizards) determine the name of the non-powered part of the species is

Didn't read the book, but the names given to each race is wrong.

So there is always an orgy in their mouths?

Screw that, I will marry in interdimensional space.

Gravity Falls gets better:

Comicbook news usually has nice reviews on certain events as well as future releases, but comicvine as well.

The problem is the whole phoenix thing.

I am actually looking foward to the new FF, not so much on X-men.....No, bad event, bad.

Good game and you kinda see how the creator's life and family are included in the game.

I always think of Sharks as Spiders.....Maybe there should be a movie about that......COPYRIGHT!!!!

I think making it look more robotic and changing the eyes would be better than just using Coulson's exact face.

Maliwan Psycho Bars?

WOOT, thanks.

If legit, thank Gundam I got Papo y Yo and haven't bought my next DC subscription.

I thought Gotham was between New York and Jersey, and Metropolis was Chicago with bits of Canada.

Seems like something from Little Big Planet, but with less wavy movement and more solid backgrounds(in terms of shapes).

Just give me portable Einhander and I will get you.

Well, I have eaten shark pinchos(shish kabobs) on the beach.....does that count?

Reminds me of dot.Hack.

Just give me a Shaun of the Dead scene, and it's a day one buy for me.