
I have seen so many people rotting on the street because of their addiction, I wouldn't be fased by this.

Did that lady say "I thought they were shooting in the Shire".

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Actualy, just build giant robots, stereotypes, and we have the greatest thing ever....EVER!!!

Just re-work the Gogaiker(Pirate Rangers?) and I am good....I think.....

Wait, isn't Silent Hill just monstrous reflections of the main characters(or basic cast)?

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As long as they dont fuck around with the Beast Wars canon (especialy Dinobot), kinda ok with it.

So Battlebots and other blood(oil?) robot sports will be out of line?

I am scared of what comments this topic may bring out.....

I , for one, raise my hand to leave this planet and to let it thrive again........

Hades seems like that Monster High Doll Zombie(I have to remember this things cause working in a toy store).

I swear it's Springfield's only choice

I wonder if a Penis breaking a skull would cause insane chaos?

The puppet bit, the song, and maybe the spice joke are the only good thinga about the episode. Everything else is just meh.

Come on secret warrior Guyver genes!!

Oh, kinda reminds me of Kotaku radio.

Should have given him chainsaw arms and called it Buzz-Saw

It's a Magnolia film, so I guess I will watch it next to GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Hope was destroyed in the box, thats why people felt the full force of the other horrors.

Charizard was God among us Pokenerds. Well done man, well done.
