I would be more interested in Asteroid research based on capture and mining.
I would be more interested in Asteroid research based on capture and mining.
This is what is actualy will happen when the zombies take over.
10 episodes and the last 10 on April next year......FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!
Hmm, I wonder if there could be a study based on dubs.
So all Caribbean fish must be as fast as the Flash?
Saw the review on Toonami last night and I am still laughing of how Tom reacted.
Matt Damon in EL JARDINERO!!!!!
Oh lord....I am Jake.....WHY AM I JAKE!!!!!
For some reason I always feel that this characters are made by Cobra.
Yeah, I felt that the Nectar plot device could have been used better(in more of a "The Fly" sorta way).
So you are telling me to not have kids....Well, I can explain why to my parents.
There are some other Deadpools(or maybe the same one) that have done other conventions with similar wackyness......I wonder if they are working together.
Yes,yes I was.
Ok, let's lay off.