Slavery and imperialism was (is) a global phenomenon unfortunately so it is extremely disingenuous to say that most human have not had their culture taken away from them. If only. But that is another subject.
Slavery and imperialism was (is) a global phenomenon unfortunately so it is extremely disingenuous to say that most human have not had their culture taken away from them. If only. But that is another subject.
You’re embarrassed by certain people because they have the same/similar skin tone as you?
Mmmmmmmmmmm.....Pudding..... *drools*
I am sleepy, but that’s by the by. Didn’t mean to be too rude but I am sick of people trying to talk against racism but then immediately grouping people together based on skin colour and treating them as a single group with certain characteristics.
My skin colour does not make you my fellow in any way shape or form. Fuck off.
Stereotyping people based on their skin colour is racist. Whoever does it.
By the same token what is there to celebrate about being some kind of brown?
Please provide a picture, and I will rate you according to the European system. No Refunds.
Quiet you, put that paper bag back on before you get MUGGED!
It IS illegal and it IS prosecuted.
Yeah cause their race is like, sooooo important.
Yeah he sounds like a bitter loser.
The funny thing is though Dr Nerd Lurve gave the exact Opposite advice last time. The writer last time was worried about his fiance spending a lot of time with her ex she admitted she still had feeling for and had started hiding their doings for him. His advice then was he should stop being so jealous and that his…
Xenophobia is just a euphemistic way of saying racism, don`t be afraid to talk straight LB.
1. Why not both? It`s the berst!
GW aren`t in the best financial shape I hear, could be why they are handing out licences left right and centre.
Did you read the article? Being pregnant is the one thing that could protect them from further rapes, so it really depend where your moral compass lies on very very fucked up situations. Is it better to have them pregnant with their rapists child and potentially shielded from more sexual violence for a longer time? Or…
Being educated unfortunately doesn`t stop you from being raped, tortured or killed. I swear a lot of peace activists do not live in the real world.
Educating girls is helpful in changing society from with in, but offers no protection against violence from marauding Jihadis-assuming they are not already in control. Violence is a necessary evil to stop monsters like Daesh.