
Fake bullet-holes in walls and booze in brown paper bags is cultural property now? Lol. Only in America.

So yo’re a n-word if the term upsets you? Smart logic there pal!

People want to be called people, not arbitrarily categorised according to the shade of their skin by some racist dumbfuck.

Drop Bears were most like likely Marsupial Lions, quite real, but now extinct.

Jo was awesome in the comic relief special! The faux tears are eye-roll inducing as indeed the idea has been flirted with since way back.

If your relationship “dies” over the casting of Dr Who, sufficed to say there were much deeper issues at work.

Lame troll is lame. Work harder, son.

Lame troll is lame. Work harder, son.

Uh guess you’ve never been to the UK...plenty of people from all over the world live normal lives here, without joining the army.

In my personal experience in London no-one used it, in ethnically overwhelmingly english Kent, no-one used it..must be a generational/ landed class thing as some other old Tory got censured for using the same phrase some years back.

I redact my previous comment it seems the issue was a headbutt that a failure to achieve liftoff.

I appreciate your thought-out replies, but If you want to have a conversation, please reply directly. “Keeping me in the greys” is just petty censorship, and makes it hard to follow your responses.

I appreciate your thought-out replies, but If you want to have a conversation, please reply directly. “Keeping me in the greys” is just petty censorship, and makes it hard to follow your responses.

This relationship was all kinds of fucked up, and as per usual, the part with the most cash is the one who ends up parting with most of it regardless.

That last line does come across as playing the worlds smallest violin.

Not faux outrage, but rather comments from people in mixed-race relationships offended someone on this site would write a piece essentially saying that their relationship is not built on love, but rather one side sees the other as an inspirational status symbol and the other side views them as an exotic accessory.

Uh, what is your base for calling me racist? My whole message has been that people are not innately ascribed traits based of their ethnicity or skin colour.

Please define white, and whilst you are at it, black. And all the innate traits that come with your born-with skin-tone.

Nice how you blithely say “white equals European”. Historically and even presently the definitions are a lot more complex than that.

Well, I can’t make you give a fuck. This is just an opinion on the internet after all.