
Well in life some times you do risky stuff to get that cool feeling that comes along, like extreme sports.. But I don't think it's nation related though. Regardless to that I would assume that Russians have that daring- adventurous drive in them.

"Russian guy".."dumb stuff".."WWIII"
The question I ask is:
"Why can't Jesus Diaz write professional articles instead of troll comments..?"

Bla bla bla... Bottom line - Russians were first again and people trying to find ways to show as if they were not. The geographic pole is what most people refer to and the fact that the flag is 3 meters to the left/right is meaningless because its still accurate.

Sorry no scars there just good looking people... hem... hem... Troll... Hem....

It's not a troll. i have the right not to like anyone I want. I won't hurt them. I just won't open doors for them (Example). Why is it so important in these days to like and love everyone? It's fake.