Kory Evans

cean tides, lady parts, baby making, rape rape, BENGHAZI!!!!, HPV vaccinations, gay stuff, and brown people.

Sadly, I feel as though a lot of things may confound these folks. For example: ocean tides, lady parts, baby making, rape rape, BENGHAZI!!!!, HPV vaccinations, gay stuff, and brown people.

I like how Brian Kilmeade added something about being confused about why the torso was so big and the skirt so small, I don't know why that struck me as REALLY dumb and annoying but it does and he is.

So - it's not like they are taking any bathrooms out of circulation, right? It's just this one is gonna be labeled all genders.

The Ghibli version seems to be lacking the darkness and danger that is essential to Ronja's story.

Man, Lebron looks so young in that picture.

Can someone sum this up for me in a paragraph or less?

Plus this video is 11:25 long, but yet I can read a list of 20 items in mere seconds.

The first thing I thought when I opened this article was "Great a damn video post" then I scrolled to the comments. :P

Am I the only one who hates video posts. With all the video clips, news, reviews, etc lately I feel like I'm encroaching on a "get off my lawn!" Part of my life... But I just want to read, not watch ;/ I don't want to listen to other people.

Why does Rita Skeeter still have a job? She's an unregistered Animagus who prints libelous stories about the Chosen One.

Were it not for her name on it, I'd think this was fanfic.

I would ride that - for the right price.

I'm sorry but I don't go 65mph, nuts first, on any kind of ride.

It looks so happy and free!

Jim Cooke sends this along:

Good lord. You people are playing in the minor leagues when it comes to dick showage. Check out rugby footage sometime if you really want to see bare-naked cocks (and balls) flopping around, and not some guy's underwear-covered package which in reality shows absolutely nothing.