This is kind of the problem I have always had with “horror” mazes/houses. I can never detach from the knowledge that nothing in there is allowed to hurt me. So I only ever react to jump scares, with no accompanying feeling of fear/dread.
This is kind of the problem I have always had with “horror” mazes/houses. I can never detach from the knowledge that nothing in there is allowed to hurt me. So I only ever react to jump scares, with no accompanying feeling of fear/dread.
Just make the movement speed fast, for the love of god.
“These mobile devices, smartphones, tablets and everything in between are just as powerful as purpose-made handheld gaming devices... To me, it’s really just a question of reaching out to that core gamer market with the right product.”
Speedrunners are the worst. Why do they try to get more replay value out of games? They should just play them once normally, so they can throw the disc in the trash afterwards. /s
everything about touchscreen controls.
A good time to remind everyone as well that AGDQ starts up on the 4th, and runs all week. The final game of the marathon will be Ocarina of Time. It's a lot of fun, for newcomers to speedrunning, to check out. I'd recommend looking at the schedule and finding some games you're familiar with, and tuning in during those…
that shitty 'music' though
Don't think it's worthless at all, there are categories for this kind of stuff. Any%, 100%, no glitches, all bosses, so on and so on. All of them requires hard-work and training, some more than others, yes, of course, but glitches or not, beating these guys' time is pretty fucking hard, so it is an achievement.
Jump scares are so lame. Full disclosure, they get me everytime, but give me something that sticks with me, something that makes me question what I believe and how I perceive the world around me. For comparison, I'd like to talk about one of my favorite horror/suspense movies called Session 9. At first, I wasn't…
You get the "bad" ending if you do that - the Big Bad is unfought and still going to kill everyone.
The root of the problem is in our society. Games are a reflexion like movies and tv shows.
"Those people who're telling you that you're too intimidating, that you're too smart or too whatever and you need to dial it back so you don't hurt dude's precious fee-fees? Fuck those people." x1000
wow, a cinematic teaser for a previously announced game... people in here are talking about the original DOOM sound because there's literally nothing to see here... the trailer is meaningless.