
Very cool yes good idea to never say anything or try to improve situations or grow or evolve.

Yes, everyone would be better off not telling people how they feel. Just bottle it up and move on.

Sweat a shallot in olive oil, throw in a chopped roasted red pepper, two chopped carrots, a cubed sweet potato, add stock to cover. Boil until the vegetables are tender. Add some ground red pepper or cayenne, a bit of brown sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Puree with an imersion blender. Add cream or half/half.

I couldn’t agree more. I have always hated watching them, although it was a bizarre family viewing sort of thing growing up to watch the Miss America pageant. If the whole thing disappears some day it won’t be soon enough.

I would normally take this whole week off, but thanks to a health issue earlier this year, I have no PTO. So I’m the only one working at my job.

I’m enjoying slug week far more than I should. Watched Don’t Look Up. Hilarious and demoralizing. Catching up on the new Dexter and Yellowjackets and starting 2nd season of The Witcher. Also making some red pepper, carrot and sweet potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. And washing all the sheets for the

Wouldnt you love to have pageants where incredibly talented, intelligent women were given a chance to strut their stuff and the winner gets a job offer from a major employer in her field of expertise?  

Thank you. Slapping socially conscious words on something doesn’t change the fact that it’s a contest to pick a pretty girl so she can be a pretty prop in photos promoting brands and the odd charitable crap so they can pretend it’s not just about looks and money.

So how could anyone be surprised by this?  My sil got into beauty pageants, just dinky little local ones, and it was a cat fight front to finish.  The women (girls) are peddling TT&A and any intelligence on the woman’s part is treated as a side effect.  If you dont want to be treated like livestock, dont get into a

Beauty pageants are leftovers from when women were viewed as chattel (something the GQP wants to get back to). I’d be fine if they disappeared from the planet.

We got our youngest a Teddy Ruxpin because she insisted (held us as emotional hostages). What a creepy, creepy creation! It would come on by itself, and I’m still not certain exactly what it was telling her when we weren’t around.

That was really good, and should’ve been the lead story instead of the War & Peace length novel exploring the ins and outs of newspaper delivery that we got.

But aren’t you fascinated by how paper routes worked in some random small town 35 years ago, hmmm?

That story could have been four or five paragraphs long. Bad form the including it - but even worse form making it the first story.

I posted a comment asking people not include too many extraneous details, and someone strongly disagreed with me and said the details made them feel like the story was real and verifiable. After reading the first story, I stand by my opinion. I did not need 10 paragraphs(!) of exposition explaining how newspaper

No kidding, like ok we get it! You like to get descriptive with the location but get on with it already!

I think the extraneous details were meant to make it feel more “real” but instead I was rolling my eyes at how fake it felt. You remember all that shit from 35 years ago?

I couldn’t bring myself to read it all. Lengthy...

That first story sure didn’t read the comment about extraneous details, Christ.
