
This story is terrifying! I’m so sorry your parents didn’t believe you.

Do you have more examples? I’m a fan of RJ but your comment gave me pause. Genuinely curious. 

I will deeply miss Mimi Parker’s art. She had the most beautiful voice and I owe a lot to Low, which have seen me through some shit with their music.

But back then I thought it was exciting because I was horny. ?!?!???!??!?!” NGL I loled. Too relatable. But also: I’m so glad you’re alive!

I sometimes think of the old stories, too. Who remembers the gas station “kid”? It scared me half to death when it arched itself like a giant cat!

Lol at the Nev Campell... pause.

OK I need that recipe, please!

I have to work Wed and Thurs and it feels extremely stupid. I got some biographical comics for Christmas and already read Rebecca and Lucie by Pasqual Guirard and I fully recommend it! I’m watching Jon Wilson’s docuseries and it’s basically everything to me right now. Not seeing family wasn’t as hard as I anticipated,

This is so fucking real world scary. I’m SO glad you are rid of this fucker.


I’m in a bit of a similar pickle in that I am beginning the manuscript for a big book project based on my life. Originally, it was mainly going to be focussed on a love relationship, but looking at things from an outside perspective (as much as I can) I now see that some other relationships I had at the time were as

I love a good critique of a show’s wardrobe, especially when it’s as iconic as Sex and the City’s. It reminds me of when Tom and Lorenzo did the Mad Men costume blog and it was basically my everything. I have never looked the connection between character and clothing the same way.

How about a trigger warning?

I’m so sorry. These things are just such a burden to bear.

I’m 90 percent sure I have endo. I am in my late 30s and for years I have had extremely painful cramps that can start up to 10 days prior to my period as well as periods that last up to 9 days, the bleeding is so heavy. But what can my doctors do? Nothing. The only thing that has helped in the past is Oxycodone, but

Aw! Good old Hark, A Vagrant!

As a female indie music nerd I really tried to listen to and like Ariel Pink (perhaps for the sake of being able to understand a tortured boyfriend or two). I never got it. Who else here has been baffled by Maus’ indie darling status?

Now playing

2020 was a good year for music, at least. The following made my top 10:

Now playing

Polacheck’s album, Pang, was one of mine this year. Her new release of the extended mix of the Gate lulled me to sleep several nights.

Wow! Where were you when I was getting into my abusive relationship??? I wish I would have told him “Stop right there, mister!” when he almost imperceptibly, slowly, isolated me from loved ones, broke down my self-esteem with words and made me think that being raped was just par for the relationships course. I should