
This one is ART.

Hoo boy! Sorry :(

I'll help.

This wasn't surprising but it sure got me depressed anyway.

You and I are kindred spirits. At least when it comes to guys and food...

Have you tried coloring them? Mine disappear if I don't put tint in them on a regular basis but when I do, they look natural and thick. You can get it at beauty stores if you are interested...

I liked it but I didn't love it. I thought... It's been 6 days since I watched it now and I'm itching for more. My feelings confuse me.

Hey gang. I need help. Maybe you can help me...



Yeah that is surprising and I'm sure disappointing :( After all, we Scandis are supposed to be ahead of the curve on this gender thing...

Hmm. That's too bad :( I haven't been to Denmark in years so I'm coming up short. I hope you find some good store that's not too pricey and congrats on your coming baby!

H & M?

Oh yeah. Forgot about Etsy. I got my friend's baby a onesie with Bill Murray on it. My friend wanted it so I was happy to give it to her baby.

I don't know what it looks like now but when all my friends and relatives were pregnant at once, about a year ago, I could find a fair amount of newborn clothes in cute yellows, greens, purples etc. on Amazon.


Beep boop beep.

So odd...

Love this dress, this mani, this everything.