

This looks too professional for me to think otherwise.

Excellent video and quite the breath of fresh air after today’s news cycle. Happy for these children getting positive input at the early stages. May this camp bring rise to many more. Good job team!

Now playing

The original! That’s hard to come by. Can I interest you in the ATB reboot?

Now playing

Woot! Here’s one of my favorites from them. Soul to Squeeze.

So only left is good? Finding common ground is necessary for collaboration and compromise. It’s what many in Congress have chosen to ignore and leads to the immense polarization we see in politics today. Keeping citizens and politicians siloed off by their party affiliations only feeds the divide.

Shepard Smith has had few moments of clarity recently. I’m sure he’s also a quite proponent of LGBTQ rights as well.

Shitting on the Jets, it’s what makes America whole.

On behalf of everyone in Kansas, good riddance. He has burned down the budget and destroyed schools. He did one great thing though, he spurred bipartisanship and elected moderates to the statehouse. Overriding his veto and sending his tax cuts back to hell was sweet cherry pie. Now please excuse the state of Kansas

Savage Garden’s first album? Blasphemy!

Sporting KC fan here. Rooting for you guys over Miami during the quarter final. Do them in and fuck the Red Bulls on the 9th!

delete me!

Jalop reader here. You don’t have to be a condescending prick just to prove her point, princess.



Holy FOV batman. What is that setting? 30? Sweet lord that’s awful. Give us 90 minimum, or give us a different game.

No Fargo? Good day, Sir.

The poor. It’s what Roger would have wanted.

mine looks weird