
Steam has some Crazy deals, and Humble bundles is even crazier you can get 8-10 games for 6 bucks all the time ( or normally around 4-6 if you are a heartless soul and choose to pay a penny as humble bundle supports charity). There are tons of games on Steam that come out for a few bucks so they easily offset the

It is probably due to most people not really saying his middle name. Really wasn't used in any campaigns I remember.

I have been enjoying my PS4 its a great piece of hardware but it suffers like any new console the competition included, and that is software selection is a little lean. But I really feel we are on the cusp of greatness on both systems as most big titles are coming out simultaneously for all platforms.

Aluminum Body looks nice but not sure worth 500 buck this not be official what makes it better over all that the other NES clones out there. And don't see an aluminum case worth over 400 bucks(price difference of other clones) and really should have HDMI built in for 500. The original processor is nice though.

I do hope they give the definitive version for PC I am sure it will be equally awesome. I don't like the attitude in this thread were its like QQ some more PC gamers. I have all three platforms but Orions point is very valid.

My understanding is this lets you hibernate all apps. So say Facebook that wants to run an ongoing service to notify you, well greenify makes it where that app sleeps regardless it does break that notification element but is really nice for those apps that don't let you say no to back ground processes.

I really think the sub 500 dollars are the best options. Streaming is really were its at in my opinion. If you are spending that much on a PC it needs to be multi purpose and a steam PC is aimed at being a toy. Though my PC is used mostly as a toy I also use it for productive things. When I am in front of TV it shift

Not sure that tech is the limitation here I was able to install PhysX with my ATI card the Terms of the Software says its not for use for anything but nVidea cards but it works fine. I do take a frame hit for it but isn't too bad. So I imagine is possible on the new systems but may not be worth optimizing for and

This is on sale for 10 bucks on the humble bundle store with Steam Keys it was 5 bucks yesterday there when I bought it so I imagine it will go on sale on steam during this sale.

I wonder if it falls under fan art for those. At conventions Artist make fan art sculptures etc. out of our favorite shows games etc. and they sell these. I imagine all of these are borderline violations to the rights holders even though the skate the bounds of fair use. I think the issue here is them trying to make a

I sort of understand why they are upset about this it was one of my 1st thoughts when played this. It is fiction and I don't want to say we should restrict this freedom of speech but I could see why they could be bothered by this.I think a lot of Americans would be upset if America was portrayed is a similar light. I

I would say speakers on PC don't matter , Sound would be limited by the streaming Codec and your sound devices.

This Exists its a Travelers Tale game on the Sega Saturn believe Called Sonic R.

Management is easier, alot of vm's are essential brand new on each boot they just reload the image and import the profile. Instead of having to reimage the PC's when someone messes something up.

I don't think the writters are dissing the product 100% here but I agree with them that it is important out of the box this impresses. This is a 1st party party demo they are talking about and its not working. It honestly sounds like they are trying to do too much.

I'm not going to play this scape goat game but I do hate to see the amount of flat out resistance to this being a possible contributing factor. And to be fair most people are probably not meaning it that way.

I think the best solution is to pass more info on the score. Just limited max score doesnt keep the more sneaky hacker from just adding a few points over the top score and nullifying that users achievement.

It seems to me when the new consoles come out the 1st gen games are a little lack luster. Better than the last for sure but often times updated last gen games that was how it was on the 360 at least alot of the games felt like higher res xbox games. And this is not just Microsoft PS2's and PS3's launch games were

It's really about time and I am glad Microsoft has listened before it was too late for them to recover. But damage has been done and could have been limited had the listened earlier or ask the right people. I think that complaints helped this happened but I feel the real motivator has been reserves. Amazon had a 3-1

My Biggest issue with this is MS is trying to monopolize there market. And to be be fair other companies do it Im looking at you apple. But microsoft wants complete control of used games and rentals. It really anti competitive this will hurt many companies that rent or sell used.