Watched them pass out three times in an hour trying to leave the first town, earlier today. Heh....
Watched them pass out three times in an hour trying to leave the first town, earlier today. Heh....
Yveltal is Dark/flying. He eats ecosystems.
Japanese lore pretty much replaced Fey with Yokai, but they still have some nasty stuff. Like cats becoming monsters and eating their owners, for example. I'm not sure if they'll play to those tunes though simply because Fairy types are supposed to be cute (for a given value of cute, of course), and stuff like child…
Fair enough. Still though, you have to admit Pokemon have kinda supplanted animals. They ride Ponyta instead of horses, keep Growlithes and Skitties as pets, and drink Miltank milk. It's just that not ALL pokemon are animals.
Also on a similar note, I wonder if Gen 7 will introduce Fairy/Dark types that play around with the unseelie fey tropes, abducting children and such?
Really? All I've seen are Magikarp o.O
Ever seen a dog in the pokemon anime or games?
Give it a few sequels. That's what EA does best with its IPs: Sequel Degradation.
"The controls for this game are terrible! I said 'go left', not 'sniff poop!!'"
FWIW, the graphics were actually pretty impressive, all things considered. It's hard to explain why this game tanked so hard for me. I could list off a massive list of issues I have with it, and I still don't think I could pinpoint the real issue it has with me.
I understand that, but understanding it doesn't make the game good. Even putting aside the fact that it wasn't a Starfox game (and the letdown of such), the puzzles were really simple, the plot was straight out of a kiddie movie, and they make you treat a crown prince like a friggin' dog. I wound up playing through…
I'm having trouble telling if they're trying to kill the character and are hilariously bad at it, or if they're trying to kill each other as well and are hilariously bad at it.
I thought it was say fur.
Wonder if they'll market this to civilians, as well? That would be pretty sweet...
Whenever I see news about this kind of thing, it always makes me wanna search for completely random things, just to confuse them. "Why do they keep looking up 'Dishes using Anteater' when they live in America?"
The movie, not the game (or the joke)
Transformers: Kick of the Dead Horse.