It's mostly in the level of detail. In Figaro, you can make out different parapets, wall, etc. In contrast, Locke looks blurry and poorly defined, like they took his sprite and used a smudge tool to make it look like it's not 16-bit.
It's mostly in the level of detail. In Figaro, you can make out different parapets, wall, etc. In contrast, Locke looks blurry and poorly defined, like they took his sprite and used a smudge tool to make it look like it's not 16-bit.
The problem isn't that Figaro looks better. The problem is that Figaro is totally out of place standing next to Locke. It's like reading a cheap sprite-based webcomic where the artist has 16- and 32-bit characters standing side-by-side. The sprites themselves may not look bad, but the differing styles clash and make…
"Espier"? Oh, my head...
"She hails from the WarioWare games, and probably didn't have enough moves to make a proper moveset for her."
I hope these guys cover indie titles, like Stealth Bastard or Mark of the Ninja.
The actual game included non-exclusives, as I recall. Although, given how many console-defining exclusives they left out (or were forced to leave out), they probably had to just to get a half-decent roster.
Forgive my squirrely ignorance, but is there a connection between this and Rymdkapsel? Also, any word on an Android release?
"So yes, while someone was able to remove the 'time check' shortly after launch, they were unable to perform key actions like communicating with other cities that they had created locally, or with the rest of their region(s), or even saving the current state of their cities."
(Additional disclaimer: Impossible task may not actually be impossible to begin with)
The game was released on March 5th (According to Wiki), and it is now Jan. 13. So it took them approx. 10 months for their dev team to do something that a single modder did in less than a week.
I like to think that I'm part of both of these...I look for and enjoy anime with plot, like in the first panel, then I make fun of the cheesy parts of it, like in the second panel. I can't help it! I make fun of everything!
You may be right. Personally, I think the third-party market is becoming oversaturated with FPSs especially since a lot of them are so similar. However, they wouldn't be producing CoD clones if they didn't print money.
I may be in a small crowd for saying this, but I'm fine with Nintendo not having 3rd-party support. Most of those 3rd-party games are also being released on the PC, and there aren't enough games exclusive to the PS4 or XB1 (that interest me) to justify dropping hundreds on one of their consoles. On the other hand,…
It's not the bodies that are kept there, it's their kami. It has greater religious significance, among other things, so it probably won't be that simple.
"Alas, poor X! I knew him well." Is actually "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio..." (The actual quote is much longer)
Footage looks blurry. Any chance they got this guy's face somehow?
Reading up on it, this becomes kind of tragic, to me. Because of a few specific people being enshrined there, China and Korea now want them to neglect some 2.5 million others, including women and children. Even if they just want to honor the soldiers and not the criminals, China and Korea aren't going to care. So…
Oh hey, there's a wiki link. Derp.