Konata Izumi

I'm curious: Is Yasukuni Shrine only dedicated to war criminals, or are there average soldiers included as well? On one hand, I think it would be kind of insulting to ask the Prime Minister to snub everyday soldiers because they're being honored alongside war criminals. On the other hand, if it does only honor

Is it....is it launching some kind of airship? Like the bacteria is sentient, and has developed air travel?

I wonder what kind of mechanic they'll use for the boss to get people off. Maybe it has to shake them off? Or point-defense? They could use some kind of shield-thingy, but I think that would be frustrating for one or the other team, depending on how they designed it.

Doooo it! Doooo it! Doooo it!

I agree - because it's part of the better organization I was talking about. He's talking about redesigning the whole thing, however, including the graphical elements.

While I agree that Steam needs to be touched up a bit, I don't think a complete redesign is called for, so much as better organization. He says it uses 'old design principles and ideas', but so far the newer ones have been pretty terrible. I hope his new design doesn't consist of preschool-esque blocks of ugly

Could be worse.

Now playing

When someone is being led out after losing a fight.

I would like to point out that:

This is one of the best gifs ever created. :|

I was planning on getting it for a friend of mine who's a Deadpool fan. Guess that's blown out of the water now, though. '-.-

Huh, I was expecting Super Soakers...

But EA's May announcement of securing the Star Wars game rights was almost certainly a nail in the coffin of Dead Space, as Star Wars is a far more popular franchise with much broader recognition. So much for the plans to turn Dead Space into a space Uncharted-type action-adventure franchise with FPS games and flight

Though I wouldn't call it 'disorienting', it looks like it would be incredibly easy to get lost, in a 'hey, this hallway looks like all the rest' sort of vein. I wonder if they'll have a way to create markers, or give us a map or something.

Is it bad that I was thinking "Every time you die in Dark Souls" before I even started reading the list? '-.-

I haven't watched the video, but the written list is missing a tenth entry. Just FYI. ;)

Why did Superman wear his frilly red underthings on the outside of his body stocking? The fine folks at Today I Found Out offer this simple, sensible explanation.

Esp. considering they basically came out on top in the expansion. The USA was sent running, and China beat the GLA themselves.... You'd think China would be all over it.

Command & Conquer (free-to-play online) — Died Pre-Launch