
So? What’s wrong with the Star Wars equivalent of Lone Wolf and Cub rolling into a town, fixing a problem A-Team style, and then rolling onto the next Adventuretown?

And I am really taken aback by Frog Lady’s lack of care of her eggs (in every way) and that she didn’t even seem all that aware that there were less eggs as the episode went on (until the last bit), and horrified by Child eating the last of her line, I think it would have been just as effective and still be humorous to

My personal theory is that someone working on the show wanted to see if the Child is so beloved that even watching him kinda-sorta eating babies would turn the public against him.

Not even just in the hot bath. Frog Lady just plops her eggs in the middle of the floor, unsecured, on the Razor Crest? Turns her back and goes to sit down where she can’t see them? Doesn’t go lunge for them when the ships starts to do evasive maneuvers?

Trying to mask a horrifying act with cuteness is very what the fuck

As as anyone with a big family will tell you once you’ve more than four kids , its hard to keep count..

The whole thing was kind of filler-y. I didn’t like the child eating the eggs, which probably could have been handled in a more subtle way (i.e., leaving more ambiguity about whether he actually ate any) but it felt like they wanted to give us those meme-able shots of him scarfing them down. I kind of felt bad for the

The Mandalorians are a loose network of contacts spread across the galaxy. They can contact each other and gather information more effectively than just one guy. Djin doesn’t know where they are currently since he was separated from his group.

It would also nicely confirm that the Prometheus crew had the intelligence of a toddler.

Why did she have to go with Mando specifically when they know he’s a wanted fugitive?

why the Mandalorians are supposed to know where Yodas come from?

I am having trouble understanding why the Manadlorians are supposed to know where Yodas come from? I haven’t gone back to watch the first season since it aired so maybe I”m forgetting something.

Not the greatest episode, but the puppetry on here, between the frog lady, the spiders, and Baby Yoda, was absolutely incredible.

I thought Amy Sedaris’ character worked better this episode. Now that running into Mando on Tatooine is no big deal, she’s like, “Oh hey, it’s you. (shrug).”

Oof a lot of nitpicking in the comments. I think that this is my least favorite ep so far, but it was still a good episode of TV. I am concerned that Mando isn’t feeding Baby Yoda enough (or that he has the appetite of a cat, my cat who wants to be fat specifically).

The flamethrower was criminally underused.

I didn’t like this episode.

It really tried leaning into the comedy which seemed to be at the expense of the plot. You’ve got this reptile mom who needs transport her for eggs, and the eggs we’re told (because we have to be told) are real important. But she decides to never really be by them, this allows for baby Yoda

Asking for “pings” and stopping the Razor Crest because it wasn’t up to current transponder beacon standards also shows that bureaucracy is alive and well in the New Republic, which is actually kind of amusing when you think about the larger political allegory at play.

Poor Baby Yoda. He’s obviously not getting enough to eat.

This episode had plenty of potential. I love seeing the slow rebuilding of galaxy under the New Republic, I love getting to see the lives and journeys of people in galaxy who aren’t religious space wizards or criminals. I like seeing new creatures and planets and the effects were great.